Weight Loss Support

Weekly Support

To Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

Many weight loss programs are franchises that use a pre-written script to counsel their clients. The attendant weighs you and tells you to stop snacking so much. This isn’t especially motivating! Also, if you’re attempting medical weight loss to improve your health, it’s vital to reach your weight loss goals.

At BodEnvy Weight Loss Clinic we see you as an individual. We know your body, its metabolism, and nutritional needs are different from anyone else’s. We also know that to get and keep a healthy, slim body you need excitement for the process. It needs to be fun and structured to keep you going when you’re having a tough time sticking with it.

The BodEnvy Weight Loss Plan is based on science and advanced technology to speed fat burning. But it’s also designed to keep you engaged, motivated, and developing positive habits for the future.

weight loss consultation - three (2)

Weekly Nutritional Guidance

Our clients have weekly visits with their personal weight loss coach. Our in-house nutritionist will review your diet and see how you’re tackling the temptations of forbidden foods. During these sessions, we’ll determine your cheating triggers and find ways to avoid them, as well as get real tips on snacking alternatives to keep temptation at bay.

Seca Body Scan Analysis

The Seca Body Scan shows us where you are losing inches as well as where those inches are coming off. We can see the way fat cells are redistributing themselves and get an up-to-date status of your BMI.

During every weekly session, we scan your body composition with our revolutionary Seca device. You will see how your body composition is changing week by week. There are specific areas of the body where fat deposits always prove stubborn like the abdomen and buttocks, and we concentrate our weekly fat-burning treatments there.

Seca Weight Loss Body Scanner

Keto Mojo Analysis

Weighl Loss Keto Mojo Ketone Test

Using the Keto Mojo device that via finger prick gives us an accurate status of your current ketosis level, your personal coach will give you nutritional steps to adjust it for maximum fat burning. Following this advice weekly will boost your ability to lose weight and develop long-term weight management practices

Vanquish ME / Emerald Green Laser Treatments

In addition, you will receive weekly Vanquish ME or Emerald Green Laser Treatments that take up to 1 ½ inch off after every visit. We’ll concentrate these efforts after reviewing your Seca body scan to attack the resistant areas of fat.

BONUS: we offer incentives in our program to reach milestones and get rewards. For example, if you reach your established milestones you’ll receive 2 free Coolsculpting treatments as a reward. Coolsculpting freezes fat cells in hard to reach areas so they die. Your body then flushes them out naturally through its own metabolic processes.

The BodEnvy Weight Loss Plan is different from any other plan out there. Your program is uniquely individualized for your body; your progress and your goals. It’s based on science and supported by technology and sound nutrition. Our weight loss experts give you weekly coaching support and fat-burning sessions to keep you motivated.

That’s why it works.

Emerald Weight Loss Laser